Customize Windows 10 Lock Screen Using Powershell

Abhi Agarwal
1 min readAug 12, 2019


Lock Screen

If you are someone who likes scripts more than a Graphical User Interface(GUI), then i would recommend you to read this post as it talks about controlling your windows 10 lock screen using powershell.

The script runs by modifying the registry key “PersonalizationCSP”. If your registry doesn’t have this key then the script will add the key.

If you want to read more about the “PersonalizationCSP” registry key, then please visit this site.

Here is the code:

You can either run this code as a powershell module or you can run this code line by line to see the magic this code does ;)

Note: You will need administrator privileges to run this code.

To run the code as a powershell module:

LockScreenImage -LockScreenImageSource “<ImagePath>”

<ImagePath> can be a path to an image on your local system or it can be a path to remote url.

Note: After you add this registry key, you won’t be allowed to modify the lock screen image from the GUI. Your system be will be restored when you delete this key.



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